Research and Development

Our scientific advisory board has eminent scientists and consultants from various agriculture universities, national institutes and government bodies like Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, CSIR–National Chemical Laboratory, etc. The company is also having active collaborations with various national universities and institutes including CSIR-NCL, Maharashtra Rajya Draksha Bagayatdar Sangh, Krishi Vidnyan Kendra and others.

Co-development programs

Wide spectrum microbial pesticide useful in single crop system

Collaborator: CSIR–National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Sponsor: Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission (RGSTC) Govt. of Maharashtra
(May 2017-onwards)

Production of low molecular weight fungal chitosan for healthcare applications

Collaborator: CSIR–National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Collaborator: Auraphyll Innoventures India Pvt. Ltd
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology - Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (DBT-BIRAC), Govt. of India
(March 2018-onwards)